Southern Regional Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
The disease investigation wing of the Institute of Animal Health and Veterinary Biologicals (IAH & VB), Hebbal, Bangalore-24 has been recognized as SOUTHERN REGIONAL DISEASE DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY (SRDDL) since July 1999. The laboratory was formally inaugurated by Hon'ble Chief Minister of Karnataka on 11.Jan.2001. With the establishment of Southern Regional Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, the diagnostic facilities have been extended to southern states viz., KARNATAKA, KERALA, TAMILNADU, ANDHRAPRADESH, TELANGANA, PONDICHERRY AND LAKSHADWEEP with the following mandate:-
- To serve as Regional Referral Laboratory for economically important livestock diseases (bacterial, viral, parasitic etc.) any drug/pesticide residue & toxicities by providing diagnostic services (both primary and confirmatory) to the States of the region.
- To maintain a data bank on the Epidemiology of the economically important diseases of the region and circulate to all the States on a periodic basis.
- To collect and transmit all isolates of viral, bacterial and parasitic agents to the National Repository to be maintained at the National Reference Laboratory.
- To follow the approved standard reagents and techniques for generation of the diagnostic results.
- To train scientists/officers from the State Diagnostic Laboratories of the region in the state of art technology for diagnosis of animal diseases and provide consultancy and expert services to the States of the region.
- To undertake identified special programme for disease surveillance/diagnosis as per the direction of Government of India from time to time in view of its epidemiological significance and importance etc., BSE, Scrapie, Contagious Equine Metritis, Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza etc., and Any data generated by the RDDL could be published only after prior permission from DAHD.
Different Sections of SRDDL
- Seroepidemiology
- Diagnostic Bacteriology And Mycology
- Diagnostic Pathology
- Diagnostic Parasitology
- Diagnostic Virology
- Diagnostic Biochemistry And Toxicology
- Epidemiology And Informatics
- Central Instrumentation Facility
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