+91-8482-245241 regkvafsu@gmail.com
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           Extension of Submission Online Application of 14th Convocation Notification For The Post of Technical Assistant at Director of Research Office on Contract Basis Click Here For Applying Online Application For 14th Convocation Certificate Candidates Applying For Self Financing Seats of Masters or Doctoral Programme-2024-25 Should Compulsorily Fill Online Application Entrusting The Work of Assistant Professor (ONE post) on Contractual Basis at Animal Husbandry Polytechnic, Hassan PG Admission Under NRI Quota 2024-25 14th Convocation Notification Entrusting The Work of Assistant Professor (Contractual basis )at Animal Husbandry Polytechnic,Baragi,Gundlupete,Chamrajanagar Livestock, Poultry and Fisheries Expo-2025 Admission to Master's And Doctoral Degree Programmes (2025) Selection of Teachers on Contract Basis at Veterinary College Bidar (16-01-2025) Entrusting The Work of Assistant Professor (ONE post) on Contractual Basis at Animal Husbandry Polytechnic, Hassan Entrusting The Work of Assistant Professor (2 posts) on Contract Basis in Animal Husbandry Polytechnic, Konehalli Entrusting The Work of Assistant Professor (1 Post) on Contractual Basis at FRIC (I), Hebbal, Bengaluru Entrusting The Undergraduate Teaching Work on Contract Basis at Veterinary College, Gokula Campus, Hassan Engaging Assistant Professors on Contractual Basis at Dairy Science College, Kalaburgi Entrusting The Undergraduate Teaching Work on Contract Basis In The Various Departments In The Veterinary College, Hebbal, Bengaluru Entrusting The Work of Assistant Professor (1Post) on Contract Basis In FRIC (I), Hesaraghatta, Bengaluru Engaging Contractual Manpower at Sentinel Surveillance Sites Under National One Health Programme For Prevention and Control of Zoonoses Scheme For The Year 2024-25 Notification For Engaging Assistant Professors on Contractual Basis at College of Fisheries, Mangaluru Application Are Invited For Selection of Teachers on Contract Basis at Veterinary College, Bidar Inviting Applications For Best Teacher award at KVAFSU,Bidar Inviting Applications For Best Non-Teaching Staff award at KVAFSU,Bidar Entrusting The Work of Full Time Medical Officer on Contract Basis at Veterinary College, Hebbal, Bengaluru Entrusting The Technical Assistant (Fisheries) Work on Contract Basis in Office of The Directorate of Research,KVAFSU,Bidar Engaging Assistant Professors on Contractual Basis at Veterinary College, Shivamogga Eligibel Cum Merit & Not Eligible List For Left Over Seats of B.Tech (D.Tech) & B.F.Sc Degree Programme Admission For The A.Y: 2024-25 Entrusting The Work of Full Time Medical Officer on Contract Basis at Veterinary College, Hebbal, Bengaluru Notice For Left Over Seats of B.Tech (D.Tech) & B.F.Sc Degree Programme Admission For The A.Y: 2024-25 CLICK HERE For Applying Left Over Seats of B.Tech (D.Tech) & B.F.Sc Degree Programme Admission For The A.Y: 2024-25 Notification For Left Over Seats of B.Tech (D.Tech) & B.F.Sc Degree Programme Admission For The A.Y: 2024-25 Entrusting The Work of Assistant Professor (2posts) on Contract Basis in Animal Husbandry Polytechnic, Konehalli Counseling Cum Admission of Vacant Seat Under NRI Quota For The Academic Year 2024-25 Engaging Contractual Manpower at Sentinel Surveillance Sites Under National One Health Programme For Prevention and Control of Zoonoses Scheme For the year 2024-25                     

Welcome to Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University

Realizing the loss of two decades of prime development in the growth of animal husbandry, dairy and fisheries under Agricultural Universities set up, the Government of Karnataka took bold steps in establishing the new University called Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University on the floor of the Legislative Assembly. The KVAFSU was formed as per the Karnataka Act No. 9 of 2004 called The Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries University Act 2004 and published in the Karnataka Gazette Extra-Ordinary on the 23rd day of February, 2004. The University was established exclusively for the development of education and learning; conduct of research and extension education and transfer the rural oriented technologies in the areas of Veterinary, Animal, Dairy and Fisheries Sciences in Karnataka. The logo of the University is inscribed with the slogan Farmers Friendly and Rural Oriented, which emphasizes the importance given to betterment of farming community.



The efforts of the visionary leaders of the state and nation has led to the formation of Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, Bidar as per the Karnataka Act No. 9 of 2004 exclusively for the development of education and learning; conduct of research and extension education and transfer the rural oriented technologies in the areas of Veterinary, Animal, Dairy and Fisheries Sciences in Karnataka

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    KVAFSU Rated as a Five Star Institution by KSURF


    Best Teaching Staff Award KVAFSU, Bidar

    Best Non-Teaching Staff Award KVAFSU, Bidar

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