+91-8482-245241 regkvafsu@gmail.com


College name : Veterinary College, Bidar

Department :Veterinary Clinical Complex

Designation and address:
Assistant Professor
Department of Veterinary Clinical Complex
Veterinary College, Nandinagar, Bidar- 585226


Office :  08482-245106
Mobile: 9880235192
Email:  jafarsab5@gmail.com


Field(s) of Specialization
  • Veterinary Medicine
Research Publications


  1. Jafarsab, Ravindra B. G, Sandeep H., Bhagavantappa B, Waghe P, Kasaralikar V. R and Patil N. A (2022). Haemato-biochemical, electrocardiographic, and cardiac biomarker studies in cattle affected with lumpy skin disease. The Pharma Innovation Journal, SP-11 (10), 285-289.


Jafarsab, Ravindra B. G, Bhagavantappa B, Sandeep H, Prashantkumar Waghe, Priyanka, Vivek R Kasaralikar and N.A Patil (2022). Diagnostic evaluation of pericarditis in cattle. The Pharma Innovation Journal, SP-11(10): 864-873.11


Jafarsab, Ravindra B.G, Patil N.A, Kasaralikar V.R, Halmandge S, Bhagavantappa B. and Waghe P (2022). Diagnostic evaluation of foot and mouth disease in cattle. The Pharma Innovation Journal, SP-(7): 2360-2363.


Jafarsab, Vijaykumar C.N, Rajendrakumar T, Bhagavantappa B, Ravindra B. G and Sandeep H (2022). Pericarditis in buffalo: A case report. The Pharma Innovation Journal 2022, SP-11(10): 1561-1563


Sadam A, Patel M, Kumawat S, Singh W.R, Jafarsab A.S, Aneesha V.A and Madhu, C.L (2022). An experimental study for assessing the wound healing potential and for calculating the median effective concentration (EC50) of deferoxamine in diabetic Wistar albino rats. The Pharma Innovation Journal, 11(10): 1268-1273.

Others Achievements
  • Served as Veterinary Officer from 29.11.2021 to 18.08.2023 AH&VS, Govt. of Karnataka.