+91-8482-245241 regkvafsu@gmail.com


College name : Veterinary College, Hebbal, Bangalore

Department : Livestock Production and Management

Designation and address:
Associate Professor(i/c) and Head
Livestock Production and Management.
Veterinary College, Hebbal, Bengaluru

MVSc, Ph.D.(LPM)

Mobile: +91-9663722322, 9449121394
Email:  prasannalpm@gmail.com


Fields(s) of specialization
  • Animal Production and Animal Welfare
Current Projects

Project Title

Role in the Project

Fund Outlay

Funding Agency

An  field trial to study the effect of feeding Multiplex organic magik  on milk production in cattle


2.65 Lakhs

Extra Mural funded project

“Identification of nucleotide  Varibilitiles in Toll Like Receptors-2 in Malanada Gidda Cattle” (DR/SCSP/TSP/08/2018
-19) sanctioned during the year 2018-19.


Rs  50,000/-

SCP and TSP Grants, KVAFSU, Bidar

ICRISAT and Govt. of Karnataka

“Development of new meat type crossbred sheep with Dorper”


Rs 5,30,971/-


Association study of genetic variants at Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of the MBL 1 gene with mastitis in Holstein Friesen crossbred and Deoni cattle

(D R/KVAFSU/Office –Order/2016-17|1082\4937\4 dated 17-1-2017)


Rs 1 lakh

SCP and TSP Grants, KVAFSU, Bidar

Karyological studies in local goats of Karnataka
(DR/KVAFSU/Office –Order/2017-1|1098\5761\4 SCSP/TSP/18/17-18 dated 3-3-2018)


Rs 1 lakh

SCP and TSP Grants, KVAFSU, Bidar

Study on performance of weaned local goats under intensive systems of rearing




Effect of rubber mat flooring  on cow locomotion and welfare


0.5 Lakhs


Evaluation of B.laterosporus to reduce propagation of domestic flies in Ruminant faeces


2.6 Lakhs

Alltech, USA

Completed Projects

Project Title

Role in the Project

Fund Outlay

Funding Agency

“Development of new meat type crossbred sheep with Dorper” (2017)

Project Associate

160 Lakhs


An open label multicentric field trial to study the safety and immunogenicity of classical swine fever vaccine in pigs (2018)


3 lakhs

IIL, Hyderabad

RKVY Project on Piggery Development (2018)


15.03 Lakhs


“ Preclinical trials of a quadrivalent Hepatitis C virus Vaccine (2017)


1.5 lakhs

IISc, Bangalore

Recent Research Publications


B. H. M. PATEL, SANJAY KUMAR and S. B. PRASANNA (2019) Effect of Jaggery Filter Cake Supplementation on Nutrient Digestibility in Grower and Finisher Large White Yorkshire Pigs.  International Journal of  Livestock Research,  (2), 204-210. doi: 10.5455/ijlr.20180825103548


BHARAMAPPA. KORAWAR, JAYANAIK, PRASANNA SOMERAHALLY BASAVARAJU and  SHANKARAPPA  BHAJANTRI. (2018 ). Performance of Coloured Broilers fed with Organic Source of Zinc (Zn) and Manganese (Mn).  Journal of Animal Research:  Vol 8 n.6, p. 967-973. DOI: 10.30954/2277-940X.12.2018.4


PRASANNA SB, BHAR R, PATEL BHM, GOURI MD, BHAJANTRI S, KUMAR A, ALI SM, ANGADI MEGHANATHAPPA KOTRESH, SAID MOHAMMED ALI and ABHIJEET KUMAR (2018). Economics of feeding kitchen wastes and poultry offals in landrace crossbred pigs. J. Anim. Health Prod. 6(3): 90-95.


SHANKARAPPA BHAJANTRI, M.R.JAYASHANKAR, R.NAGARAJA, Y.B.RAJESHWARI, A.KRISHNASWAMY, S.B.PRASANNA, S.NAVEEN KUMAR  and  H.M.YATHISH. (2018). Association of genetic variation at intronic region of bovine BRACA1 gene with occurrence of mastitis in HF crossbred cattle. Ruminant Science, Vol 7, No 1, p 37-41


B.H.M. PATEL, SANJAY KUMAR, PRASANNA, S.B AND RAVINDRA KUMAR(2018). Economic evaluation of pig rearing fed with different level of jaggery flter cake along with concentrate. Indian J. Anim. Prod. Mgmt. Vol. 34 (1-2): 19-22.


BASAVARAJAIAH.D.M, H.N.NARASIMHAMURTHY, S.B.PRASANNA, NAGARAJU. Y AND KUMAR WADEYAR (2018)Sensor fusion for normally distributed noise estimation by Snapshots techniques using foot and mouth diseasesmassive data sets in Karnataka state. International Journal of AgriculturalScience and Research (IJASR)ISSN (P): 2250-0057; ISSN (E): 2321-0087Vol. 8, Issue 2, Apr 2018, 121-130.


RAMACHANDRAIAH, M., MAHADEVAPPA, D. GOURI, HARINI, H., PRASANNA, S. B. AND UMASHANKAR, B. C.(2019) Field Study on Growth Performance of Pre-Weaned Stall Fed Local Kids Supplemented with Organic Zinc. International Journal of Livestock Research, 9(1), 61-65. doi: 10.5455/ijlr.20180421114527.


PRASANNA, S. B., BHAR, R., RAJESHWARI, Y. B., SHANKARAPPA BHAJANTRI and RUDRASWAMY, M. S. (2017). Feeding frequencies and their effect on behavior of nursing sows. Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeriology, 5:29-35.

Honours & Awards:

International Award





Awards/ Recognitions

Recognized as Key Driver for Animal Welfare Education in India by World Animal Protection (Formerly World Society for Protection of Animals), WSPA, Bangkok  from 2009 to 2016

  1. Member of Poster Judgement committee, LPM National Conference, Dantewada Agriculture University, Gujarat
  2. Best poster award for paper on Automation in dairy farms


Journal editor/ Member of editorial committee

  1. Associate Editor of Journal of Meat Science and Veterinary Public Health, Published from The University of Agriculture Sciences, Peshawar, Pakistan



  1. Certificate of excellence as member of scientific advisory board of “International Journal of Livestock Research” 

National Award





Awards/ Recognitions

1. Acted as Rapporteur in the Poster Session-II at National Conference of  ISAPM-2018 held at Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar, Banaskantha, Gujarat, India between 11th to 13th April, 2018
2. Awarded 2nd best Poster award in the Poster at
National Conference of  ISAPM-2018 held at Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar, Banaskantha, Gujarat, India between 11th to 13th April, 2018



3. Invited by IGNOU, New Delhi  for meeting on March 3-4th 2016  as expert panel member for drafting syllabus to introduce PG Diploma in Animal welfare course